Francis Wamui Njoroge

GULL presents a source of hope. I have been facilitating for Tearfund since 1997, and we have worked hard to perfect a church and community mobilization process (CCMP) so that it empowers the church to engage in integral mission in its immediate community. We have seen powerful results of impact - transformation in people’s lives, to the glory of God. I have focused on equipping the teams who will carry the process forward when I’m not there. We are seeing great results of passionate, self-driven teams that are causing amazing changes within the church and the community. It is for these teams that my heart cries. I long to keep them motivated, for they are doing great work and I know that GULL offers the solution. The potential for growth and expansion is so great I almost cannot imagine it.

What excites me most about GULL is the opportunity it affords to recognize the efforts of those who are creating change and impact. Typically this is driven by community members who do not have academic qualifications and yet GULL is affirming their God-given potential. Prior to this, many people had asked me if they would be eligible to receive a certificate in recognition of their sustained effort and at last came GULL to affirm those who are causing change in the community. I thank God for the great work that they continue to do and for the greater sense of confidence and professionalism that GULL is facilitating.

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Enabling YOU to make a difference in OUR world