Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Emerald Logo14 July 2008

Dr Richard Teare, President
Global University for Lifelong Learning
Global Support
PO Box 633
Banbury OX16 6FF.


Dear Richard,
Global University for Lifelong Learning (GULL) USA

I am pleased to hear about your global initiative in support of lifelong learning for organizations and for
practical development in the community – especially for disadvantaged groups.

As an action learning practitioner myself, I strongly support GULL’s efforts to establish an alternative paradigm
that recognizes the many forms of learning that occur at work and in the community and that facilitates the on-
going development of personal and professional skills. As you know, Emerald is a supporter of workplace
learning and has dedicated resources and journal publications to this cause. As the world’s leading publisher of
management research, we would be pleased to consider publishing a paper or special issue relating to GULL’s
work at a mutually convenient point, with the aim of reflecting the advances that GULL is making in this area.

I am delighted to endorse the work that GULL is undertaking and we trust that you will succeed in your efforts
to provide learning and development opportunities for the many who have until now, been excluded due to lack
of funds, entry qualifications and access to institutions for learning. I note that you are seeking to build a model
for corporate social responsibility sponsorship in partnership with non-Government organizations and as this
initiative progresses we shall be interested in publishing details of the outcomes.


Yours sincerely,


John Peters
Chief Executive
Emerald Group Publishing Limited

© GULL | Global University for Lifelong Learning
Enabling YOU to make a difference in OUR world