Statement of Recognition

GULL provides the professional frameworks and awards to enable and encourage the poorest to take action, to make a difference and in so doing, to achieve more than they could ever hope or dream – for themselves and for others (family, community, employer, nation).

GULL is a not-for-profit foundation registered in California, USA (GULL Inc.) . GULL uses local, national, regional and internet distribution to support global communities in training, end-user corporations and other organizations, social and faith-based communities, professional bodies and Government agencies. GULL Ltd. is registered in the UK and provides central services and global support to GULL's representatives. All income is reviewed and accounts compiled by a fully qualified independent accountant. These two companies operate GULL on a cost recovery basis and any trading surpluses are used to sponsor GULL's work in developing nations.

GULL offers work-based, professional development frameworks that enable learners to find solutions to work challenges or community-based challenges. There is no formal curriculum (the curriculum is derived from the learner's work) and each pathway to professional certification is aligned with the learner's level of experience and seniority. This approach is accessible and affordable to all and involves action, reflection and personal transformation.

GULL works through organizations, networks and communities. GULL representatives are responsible for learner support, the collection of affordable fees and compliance with a robust, transparent quality assurance system, based on self-review and continual incremental improvement. The learner is responsible for tracking, collating and presenting the evidence of learning and application appropriate to the level of award. All outcomes at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels are subject to independent verification. Our aim is to enable each and every GULL learner to succeed, but if the evidence presented is insufficient, then the learner must continue until they have met the requirements.

GULL awards professional certificates, diplomas and degrees. The accumulation of credit is entirely linked to learning outcomes in the form of practical solutions. This approach ensures that evidence of learning is realistic, practical and valuable to the learner and his or her employer and community.

We wholly endorse, support and recognize - in perpetuity - the work of the Global University for Lifelong Learning, its Board of Trustees and its full range of professional awards.


© GULL | Global University for Lifelong Learning
Enabling YOU to make a difference in OUR world