Affiliate with GULL

Any organization can affiliate with GULL and begin using and cascading the GULL system - providing that a senior organizational representative agrees to abide by GULL’s code of practice on behalf of the organization. Prior to this, please familiarize yourself with GULL’s mission, mandate and on-going work by reading or viewing the affiliate briefing resources.

Your organization can affiliate with GULL by completing the online GULL affiliation form below or alternatively, via written correspondence with the appropriate GULL officer (President, Regional President or National President).

You can cross-check to see if your organization is already affiliated with GULL from the link below:

View GULL affiliated organizations
Download GULL user guide (pdf)
Download GULL user guide & examples (pdf)

Please note that the GULL affiliation form should only be completed by your organization’s lead representative and for large/multinational organizations, this individual is asked to undertake the necessary internal briefing so as avoid multiple GULL affiliation form submissions from the same organization.

Please read the GULL affiliation form carefully, complete all sections of the form, check the acceptance tick boxes and submit your completed form to us. We will acknowledge receipt.

After we have acknowledged receipt of your GULL affiliation form, your organization can get started with GULL by completing the activities outlined in the ‘Getting started’ section.

GULL affiliation form

The Global University for Lifelong Learning (GULL) aims to build and sustain network relationships founded upon shared values. To guide entrepreneurship and innovation and to assure the integrity of its work in every location, GULL’s officers, affiliated organizations and their representatives must commit to and adhere by GULL’s code of practice (CoP). The purpose of the GULL CoP is to protect the integrity of GULL in all community and workplace locations. By completing the GULL affiliation form you and your organization are committing to

1 The vision - GULL’s statement of recognition in perpetuity is the basis of its mandate and its core mission is to enable participation by the low paid, disadvantaged groups and in economic terms, the poorest - as soon as the basis for cost recovery has been secured in any given location. Note that GULL does not seek to emulate or compete with academia. Furthermore, GULL does not claim to ‘educate’ – it provides a system for facilitating, recognizing and certifying practical, professional, holistic learning at work and in the community – on a lifelong basis.
2 Accuracy - Openness, transparency, honesty and integrity so as to represent GULL in the best possible way at all times and to uphold its status, source of recognition and endorsements. In all matters, the key reference source is the GULL website at The ‘Recognition’ section contains the original statement of recognition and the array of endorsements offered by Governments, Leaders and Institutions.
3 Affordable funding –Securing on-going contributions to meet GULL’s central operating costs and to funding mutually agreed travel and other expenses (as appropriate) and/or the payment of fees, linked to each certificate produced payable prior to issue. Please note: GULL’s two central companies (GULL Inc. in the USA (the university awarding body is American) and GULL Ltd. (global support from the UK)) operate on a cost recovery basis.
4 Positioning - The integrity of GULL’s professional award system, its elements and use of the correct terminology to describe its action learning process and awards. These are ‘professional’ (not academic) and ‘recognized’ (not accredited). Note also that GULL pathways and awards are not designed to articulate with or provide access to academic institutions and there are no circumstances in which GULL or its representatives will enter into any form of correspondence on this matter.
5 Professionalism - Compliance with key operating principles of the GULL system as follows: (1) Participant entry levels to professional Bachelor, Master and Doctor pathways that are aligned with the appropriate level of seniority, maturity and experience so as to secure the expected outcomes – Master and Doctor level outcomes must be ‘strategic’ in nature; (2) Acceptance that certificates cannot be awarded until GULL participants have gathered sufficient, verifiable evidence of learning and application to merit any given award; (3) See also the FAQ section.
6 Impact tracking – GULL’s officers and affiliated organizations (as appropriate) are responsible for tracking the impact of the GULL system on a longitudinal basis. GULL global support provides (via the website) a simple, recommended approach to tracking and quality assurance but other approaches are also valued and welcomed. Additionally, GULL affiliated organizations are asked to prepare an annual report in which the evidence of tracking is documented together with whatever corrective action is deemed necessary to ensure that any variances are fully addressed.
7 Clarity – GULL’s officers and affiliated organizations are asked to seek prior approval (from GULL global support) for all specialist pathways offered (e.g. Bachelor of Professional Studies (Community Development)) and make any necessary arrangements to handle questions and requests from their own GULL participants. Please explain in start-up sessions that GULL does not operate a global registry and so ‘transcripts’ cannot be provided. Additionally, please explain that GULL global support does not have the resources to enter into any form of correspondence on behalf of individual GULL participants. All reference requests must be handled locally by the appropriate GULL representative(s).
8 Representation - Accuracy in the portrayal and replication of the GULL logo and GULL’s official system documentation (available from the website) and in providing advance proofs of all brochures, websites, promotional and printed materials for approval prior to release.
9 Relationships - Consultation and agreement with all third party organizations prior to using other logos and names of organizations on printed materials (including certificates) in conjunction with the GULL logo and name. Additionally, acceptance that GULL’s executive team has the right to refuse permission to use third party logos, names of organizations and other details (as appropriate) if it is not deemed to be in GULL’s best interests.
10 Support - GULL’s officers are responsible for ensuring that appropriate guidance, on-going support and other assistance (as appropriate) is provided to GULL affiliated organizations and their representatives, administrators and facilitators.

Please provide the following information:


Your name
Your email
Your Skype ID (optional)
Your organization’s website address (optional)
Your organizational position
The name of your organization and the full postal address
Please provide an overview of how you would like to use the GULL system in your organization (150-200 words approximately)

Please read the statements below, tick the related acceptance box for each statement to agree with GULL's code of practice.

I confirm that I have the authority to represent my organization.
I have completed the affiliation review activities and I understand and accept the basis on which GULL operates and is offered for use by my organization.
On behalf of my organization, I agree to adhere to GULL’s code of practice (CoP) and I accept responsibility for ensuring that the provisions of the CoP are met in full - as verified by my own organization’s annual report to GULL. View: GULL user guide
I understand that if my organization does not adhere to the CoP requirements that GULL reserves the right to withdraw permission to use the GULL system - either temporarily (until variances have been addressed) or permanently (in the event of a serious breach of the GULL CoP or repeated/on-going variances that have not been addressed).
If I leave my organization, I will brief and re-assign the above responsibilities to my successor or another senior colleague in my organization and inform GULL of the changes prior to my departure.
© GULL | Global University for Lifelong Learning
Enabling YOU to make a difference in OUR world